Happy Monday, everyone. Thanks for your continued support of Okay History.
We were excited to have launched our first national marketing campaign yesterday. We bought free ad time during ESPN's Xavier/Florida basketball game.
Although we failed to get on television, we are confident we will soon add to the tens of tens—all from section 108 of the Cintas Center. Thanks to our Regional Relationship Director of Monetization, Carl, for taking the initiative.
We would also like to apologize for failing to deliver a lesson last Friday. It's been quite a week for us. Mom was in town. Our buddy, Eric, his wife and daughter also made the trip. Excited to be with us in person, they sprung a challenging question.
We couldn't answer why the Secret Service falls under the office of the Treasury, and it was pretty frustrating. Usually, we can bust out an answer with relative ease.
During our investigation over the weekend, we discovered that the Secret Service no longer reports to Treasury and has rolled up to the Department of Homeland Security. But their primary mission is to provide protection to the executive office of the federal government and keep the country's financial systems safe.
You are welcome, Eric.
Not delivering a lesson last week means we have a lesson ready to go on Friday. You'd think we would add a lesson during the week, but we had a meeting and management decided that wasn’t going to happen. We have been asked to provide an article about our blog for our work team’s newsletter and the deadline is coming up.
Finally, next week marks the first anniversary of the Monday weekly emails. We plan to spend next weekend switching to the new platform, Substack.
We are making this announcement to ensure we complete it and stop talking about it—more on that next week.
Okay, let's highlight what else happened this week. Here's what we got:
Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment on March 22, 1972. The House and Senate passed the law that would protect women from discrimination. The Southeast Football Conference, along with Utah and Arizona, rejected it, causing it to fail. Don't worry; we have passed laws since then.
Hallie Berry became the first African American woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress on March 24, 2002. The Cleveland native brought home the top acting award after a stunning performance in Monster's Ball. In full disclosure, we assume it was stunning because we have never seen it.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the Vietnam War Memorial took place on March 26, 1982. The black granite wall has over 58,000 names. The inspiration for the Rambo movies Sylvester Stallone made famous, Arthur John Rambo has his name etched in Panel 16, line 126.
The NCAA basketball tournament wrapped up the opening weekend yesterday. I hope your brackets didn't suffer too much. MY BRACKETS are intact!
We admit we wouldn't mind if Coach K went out a winner, but in Villanova pulls one out, we will take that too. We continue to laugh at the Big Ten.
Have a great week!