Mar 22Liked by Christopher Dake

Seriously. Put a leash on your dogs, people.

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Mar 22Liked by Christopher Dake

First, The Outsiders is my favorite book and has been since middle school. The movie is also excellent and has one of the greatest casts of all time.

Second, an equally bad logic to bringing in an outsider to be President is bringing in someone who can “run the government like a business.” The government isn’t a business, so it’s probably a bad idea to run it like one. A CEO doesn’t have to deal with anything remotely resembling a congress or a judiciary. Also, businesses can’t print their own money. And while some of the leadership traits of a great business executive may be transferable, the skills generally are not. To me, “running the government like a business” sounds about as logical as running a lemonade stand like a venture capital firm. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Third, even if I did believe the government should be run like a business, I can’t fathom how someone would think a reality TV show host who has had six businesses go bankrupt and has a reputation for shady business dealings could be a competent - not even good - POTUS.

Half the country has lost its mind.

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Mar 22Liked by Christopher Dake

I especially liked your content this week. The Trump burn was AOK and I couldn't agree more. And I mostly agree with your stance on where you're from isn't an indication of what you can do. With perhaps one exception. As small as the DR is, they seem to produce an awfully large percentage of MLB's roster. So, one could argue that a Dominican is likely a good ball player. Just sayin'... there are exceptions to every rule. ;)

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