Constitution Amendment Rankings - 2023
In year three, we will study the Constitution's amendments. It should be fun to learn about all 27 and how they shape our interpretation of the law.
Each line has a link.
Read: Introduction to Year Three
#27. 18th Amendment - Prohibition of Liquor
#26. 20th Amendment - Lame Duck Session
#25. 27th Amendment - Congress Compensation
#24. 2nd Amendment - Right to Bear Arms
#23. 11th Amendment - Restricts individuals from suing states in federal court
#22. 12th Amendment - Voting for the president and vice president
#21. 3rd Amendment - Restrictions on housing soldiers
#20. 9th Amendment - Enumerated rights retained by the people
#19. 25th Amendment - Presidential Succession
#18. 26th Amendment - The right to vote at the age of 18
#17. 16th Amendment - Income Tax is implemented
#16. 24th Amendment - The elimination of a poll tax
#15. 10th Amendment - Powers not spelled out in the Constitution should be reserved for the state.
#14. 15th Amendment - The right to vote shall not be denied based on race.
#13. 17th Amendment - The direct election of United States Senators
#12. 7th Amendment - The right to jury trials in civil cases
#11 23rd Amendment - The capital of the nation gets to participate in presidential elections
#10 21st Amendment- Repeal of the 18th Amendment
#9 22nd Amendment - Terms limits for presidents
#8 6th Amendment - The right to jury trials in criminal cases
#5 19th Amendment - The right for women to vote
#4 5th Amendment - Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, and self-incrimination protections
#3 8th Amendment - Unusual punishment